Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
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Topic: John Keely's Laws of Harmony
Section: Law of Atomolic Synthesis of Chemical Elements
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"Harmonic pitches of atomolity produce association of etheric-atomolic particles to form atoms; the kind of atom is determinable by the pitches employed."

Commentary July, 1988

Atomolity begins at the 87th octave of frequencies or above 145^24 Hz. The extent of this range is not known at this time. This is a frequency range far far in excess of that of gamma rays. How Keely was able to attain such a formidable range of vibrations and control is beyond comprehension and known science. One thing is evident - if he did do this work with these frequency ranges - it can't be that difficult to figure it out as he worked with mechanical means before the turn on the century. In other words if he discovered how to do this 100 years ago it should be re-discoverable especially with our advantage of 100 years of advancing technology.

It has been stated by myself and others that Keely developed some form of nuclear or sub atomic power in his devices but this law indicates he may have exceeded that attainment and went beyond it. It looks like he is attempting to explain the actual formation of atoms themselves from a higher for of elemental particle. The formation of which is governed by the relative frequencies employed. Not being personally familiar with high energy physics I cannot equate what he is saying with modern achievements. It is assumed that energy forms of this magnitude have been witnessed in accelerators (atom smashers) and other state of the art devices. One description of accelerator performance sticks in my mind though: "Accelerator devices are really giant resonators." I don't remember where I read this - in an article describing accelerators work no doubt.

Higher forms of sub atomic particles are numerous and have been the subject of avid research for many years. The theoretical physicists working with quantum mechanics and quantum physics have been theorizing with colors, quarks and flavors in their attempt to bring their research data to some form of equation. Perhaps this is why there has been so much comparative writing of their work to John Keely's. An item that has bothered me and still gives me difficulty is that a great many physicists still speak of these particles as though they are solids. Even the simplest book on quantum phenomena never fails to mention at some point that these particles are in actuality something akin to "bundles of vibrating energy" yet the persistence is there to equate said "aggregated energy patterns" as hard particles. It seems clear to me that as Keely persists in equating these phenomena with frequency that he has a steadier command of the subject than some of the popular writers on the subject. There really isn't any thing there, it is not a hard particle like a billiard ball. This is a difficult thing to explain and see in one's mind's eye.

An analogy I like to use in explaining this phenomena of "bundles of vibrating energy" is that of a bicycle wheel. A bicycle wheel at rest (the part between the hub and rim) is mostly air or in our case no thing can be seen between the spokes and it is an easy matter to insert a rod or screwdriver between the spokes. However, if the wheel is caused to spin at an infinite velocity it would be impossible to insert anything between the spokes. The "empty" space between the hub and rim would possess such energy that it would repel any attempt at penetration.

Now suppose we had no knowledge of what this wheel looked like at rest. Suppose all the knowledge we had was of this wheel as it spun at its infinite velocity. Could anyone accurately describe its spokes? Of course not. At best we could only derive theories concerning its construction and components. We can only know that it does possess tremendous velocity and that from all experiments done on it we would have to conclude that it was solid! Since no known mechanism could penetrate between the hub and rim we would be forced to conclude that it was solid and hard, when in actuality the spoked area is anything but solid and hard.

However, there is a tremendous amount of research data available that demonstrates and proves that an outside vibratory force does have an effect on this periodic revolving phenomena. The only conclusion reasonable to adapt is that the makeup of the spinning atom somehow corresponds to the impinging vibratory energy because of its susceptibility to these vibrations (sound). The inevitable conclusion is all atoms and sub atomic particles are nothing but bundles of vibrating energy and we must therefore admit these vibrations must relate as vibrations do, one to another, and not as solid particles or billiard ball-like entities. Since vibrations relate according to their frequency relative to each other we can surmise that Keely's description of their behavior is correct.

Unfortunately science has not yet caught up with Keely in the generation and control of these super high frequencies. Until it does we can only conjecture as to the demonstrative validity of his assertions.

Mastery of Self is Mastery of Science
by Dale Pond

In the past and indeed all throughout the publication of this column I have made many statements, some believable and acceptable, some not so believable and acceptable and others from "left field." It is the intent and scope of this column to uncover what John Ernst Worrell Keely discovered as well as make sense of the discoveries of others such as Nikola Tesla, Newman and the like. As one digs deeper into the ether world of such mental giants it becomes essential and necessary to make statements that may be questionable from the point of view of what is currently good and acceptable. How can the scope of any scientific field be expanded if one doesn't tread on untrodden ground? It can't be. Daring, boldness and a willingness to open one's eyes and mind are absolutely a must.

When using the scientific method one is obliged to seek up or down whatever investigative corridor presents the likeliest path to success. If such a path is blocked by facts and indomitable obstacles, then one simply moves on to the next likely path. Edison pursued 599 paths before he got a good light bulb. To his peers and other researches, the idea of creating such a device to illumine the darkness was unthinkable. Edison dared to think the unthinkable and he believed in his vision. Keely strove mightily 1200 times before he succeeded in making his "deep blue light" by shining a sunbeam through hydrogen gas held in a soap bubble. Tenacity is the word to describe such relentless effort. Building his 129th motor after the first 128 failed is an accomplishment few of us will ever dream of replicating in terms of perseverance. The Wright brothers built and crashed several prototype flying mechanisms before the "impossible dream" became a reality.

These great men of scientific accomplishment are an excellent example to those of us desiring to join them along the hard and rocky roads of scientific discovery. Through their work and lives they have shown us how to conceive, hold and believe in an idea and then with determination and hard work render it a real and substantial thing.

Discoverers on the path to the future must be bold enough to think new and revolutionary thoughts regardless of the stick-in-the-muds who refuse to let go of old ideas and embrace new ones and dogmatism which claims or infers we can only do what we already know to do. Flying was "crazy" or "crackpot" until it was actually done. Traveling faster than 29 mph was impossible until the first person went 30 mph. The list goes on and on of "impossible" and "crank" devices which worked.

The very same idea applies to our approach to Keely's strange jargon. It is impossible to read his words explaining whatever the subject is and at the same time say with absolute certainly that this word or phrase means this or that. The words he uses are correct English to a high degree and his command of the language is phenomenal. The words can even be looked up in a good dictionary (I have over 30 dictionaries and dozens of technical reference books) and a semblance of a meaning can be found. Anyone with enough patience and perseverance can fathom his meanings simply by allowing that he knew and meant something and pursuing it until his meanings are perceived. It is not so much what he is saying that may be wrong but it is more likely that what we think he is saying that may be in err. It is an understanding of his meaning we are after and this meaning can be and has been, to a small degree, transposed into modern terms. These modern terms are such that Keely would have thought them as strange as we find his.

I have found the greatest hindrance in this study is my already implanted ideas and concepts about such and such a word, phrase or idea. Modern scientific ideas are somewhat parallel to Keely's and Tesla's viewpoints on the subjects. To grasp their meanings behind their words is a mind-expanding experience. One must reach for new concepts and ideas to see if they match what is being described. There are many holes in the available writings of these men but with deductive reasoning and imagination some can be filled in. The difficulty lies not in their words, for they are valid words and come together in a vast and novel explanation of wondrous paradigms. The difficulty lies in that these are unfamiliar terms, phrases and concepts to most of us and seldom to they parallel good and accepted physics. Our tendency is to panic because what we are being told does not substantiate what we think we already know. The basis of our own training and what we have come to rely on is becoming threatened (we think). When fear for our beliefs comes in the first reaction it to cry "It cannot be so! The man must be a crank." Alas, human nature being what it is.

We can marvel at these men and their accomplishments - so many patents and world shaking devices but few of us realize what they struggled with and overcame in order for their work to succeed and be accepted. Galileo was excommunicated and imprisoned, Tesla was ostracized and condemned by his "peers," Keely was effectively slandered, buried and forgotten, Moray was shot twice, Reich, Drown and Bacon were imprisoned - the list is as long as history itself. It took a blinding vision, courage few of us will ever experience or understand and tremendous strength to withstand the condemnations, calumnies and harassments heaped upon them from "the experts" and know-it-alls. The overcoming of the physical engineering and scientific limitations of the era was only a part of their victories.
It takes even more of the "right stuff" to overcome personal handicaps or shortcomings than it does to invent a device from existing technologies. This mastering of self is what matures a simple inquisitive investigator into a masterful discoverer of scientific or Universal Truths. For a discoverer challenges every idea, "scientific fact," dogmatic belief and the fears and doubts within himself with an unshakeable courage and faith in himself and what he is about. The fears of not being accepted, of making mistakes and of failure must all be overcome before he finds success. The conquering of self then is the conquering of worldly matters.
Daring to think new thoughts and courage to act upon them is the challenge to those who seek a newer and better science or a better understanding of himself and his relationship to the Universe. Perseverance, courage, vision, and dog-work will allow anyone so inclined to travel the rocky road and scale the heights to true mastership.

Dangers of Ultrasonic Energy
By Dale Pond

Ultrasonic usage in medical treatments has been gaining more acceptance everyday. Frightening as it may be there is more and more evidence that sonograms (fetal examinations in the womb) and other applications of this energy are destructive to cellular structures. Even more disconcerting is that damage to these cells may be latent and not reveal itself for years. A 134-page booklet titled "An Overview of Ultrasound: Theory Measurement, Medical Applications, and Biological Effects" put out by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 1982 draws information from hundreds of citations of published studies. This book casts serious doubts on the safe use of ultrasound as a diagnostic instrument.

Ultrasound is very destructive to cellular structures. The following pages lists various biological effects of this energy. If you are exposed to ultrasound you might want to heed some sort of precautionary measures. If you are working with ultrasound experimentally using high energy levels it is strongly suggested you adapt safety measures until such time as the truth of this matter can be rightfully investigated. One is reminded of the time when Keely exposed himself to a burst of high frequency radiation and wound up in bed for three weeks. As a precautionary measure he henceforth did his work in water instead of exposed to the air. The destructive nature of ultrasound can be either heat, radiation force or cavitation or a combination of these.

To quote from Dr. Mendelsohn's article "Ultrasound Dangers Revealed - Part II" from the Dynamic Chiropractor (May 1, 1988): "Ultrasound is the latest example of an unproven technology being sold to the public as being "perfectly safe." It falls in the same class as painting radium on watches, fluoroscoping children's feet in shoe stores, routine mammography, routine chest X-rays, radiation therapy for tonsils, exposing army personnel to atomic bomb tests - in each case, the medical profession failed to take the necessary steps to protect people against a malignant technology whose risks were already well understood."
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Dale Pond
Tulsa Seminar
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